Alternatives Analyzed
The purpose of the EA is to help inform decisions that are based on an understanding of the human and physical environmental consequences of the proposed Naval Innovation Center and take actions in the location and design of the project to mitigate potential impacts. The public review and comment period for the Draft EA helped the Navy to identify local concerns and address them in the Final EA.
After reviewing several proposed sites at Naval Support Activity Monterey (Figure 1), the Navy analyzed multiple sites as potential locations for the Naval Innovation Center. Sites were reviewed as potential locations for the Naval Innovation Center. The Boiler Plant Site (Site 4) meets the largest number of criteria of the five sites identified based on 12 environmental screening factors and the ability to meet the purpose of and need for the Proposed Action.
In addition, a No Action Alternative was analyzed, as required under the National Environmental Policy Act. Under the No Action Alternative, a Naval Innovation Center facility would not be constructed.

Figure 1. Sites were reviewed as potential locations for the Naval Innovation Center. The Boiler Plant Site (Site 4) meets the largest number of criteria of the five sites identified based on 12 environmental screening factors and the ability to meet the purpose of and need for the Proposed Action.
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